Celebrate Yourself & Your Buddy!



We couldn't be more thrilled about the commitment and dedication to your Buddy over the last several weeks. By mentoring with CRB, you have made an undeniable impact on a student's life. Now let's take stock of that progress!

How was your experience with your Buddy? What was it like at first and how does that compare to how it is now? 

Are there any fun stories or particularly funny moments that you can share?

How has your Buddy grown in terms of their reading skills and their confidence? How have YOU grown through this program?

We're going to ask you to tell the story of this session with your Buddy below. Then we'd love to share it with your Buddy and share it on our social media and recruitment materials for future CRB sessions!

Tell Us Your Story Here

Before you get started, you'll need to get TWO things in today's session with your Buddy:

1) A quote from them.

  • What have they loved about working with you this spring?
  • How are they feeling about reading now?

2) A picture!

  • Have your Buddy look into the camera.
  • Make sure both of you SMILE!
  • Take a screenshot! (Ideally you'll take one with a book or BookNook up and one of just you two)
CRB Stories
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